Mama, the power of positivity awaits you

You’ve probably been looking in the mirror pinching your stomach, pointing out every part of your body you don’t like from a stretch mark on your hip to a blemish on your face and then go on about how you have nothing to wear that looks good on your body.

I hear you.

Maybe you start each morning crying in the closet because you feel like a failure since the diet didn’t work or maybe you start by stepping on the scale and then saying that you’re “fat” or “disgusting” and need to go on a diet just because the scale was a pound or two higher than yesterday. Either way, you don’t deserve to feel this way, talk to yourself this way or expose your daughter to these negative feelings.

Mama, let's embrace the power of positivity.

There is this amazing mindset trick where you switch all your negative thoughts into positive ones. Basically, every time you go to say a negative statement about your body, you stop yourself and transform it into something positive.


Here are some examples:

Stretch marks on your hips- rather than saying your “gross” you can say, “wow, these stretch marks are a part of my body that hold beauty” OR “it is incredible that my body was able to birth a child”

Pinching your stomach- rather than grabbing areas you don’t like, why don’t you touch a part of your body you do like. Maybe you are proud of your shoulders and want to acknowledge it in the mirror. You can still grab your stomach, but rather than saying something negative, say something positive like “I am thankful to have a healthy functioning body.”

How about the scale- rather than beating yourself up for weight change, why don’t you remind yourself that the scale just holds a numeric number that means nothing about your worth, your beauty or place in this world. That is a number, not a representation of you as a person.

You see mama, when you switch the way you think good things happen. It may feel weird at first, maybe even awkward, but soon enough it will be real. Any hard work you put in leads to a long-term positive return, trust me.

When you start to talk to yourself the way you deserve, in a positive manner, you start to believe and feel that way about yourself and your body. You embrace the good and positive aspects of yourself and have a whole new view on YOU.

Plus, how would you want your daughter to react about her body in the mirror? Would you ever want to walk in on her grabbing her stomach and calling herself “gross”? What if you walked in on her stepping on the scale and saying, “I’m fat, I need to start a diet”? NO WAY!! I know you would CRUMBLE if you ever witnessed that! 


Mama, be the positive change not only for yourself, but for your daughter. Turn your negative statements into positive ones, because trust me one day your daughter will thank you for your positive presence. 


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