The inner critic: how to silence the voice you never wanted to hear in the first place


Let’s admit- there is an inner voice in our head that tends to pop out at the WORST times!

You go to eat something that is not according to your diet plan, a forbidden food or even a food you deem as bad, and boom, the inner critic makes a noise.

Maybe your critic tells you, “you shouldn’t be eating that” or “you’re going to get fat” or any other negative statement that makes you feel like you shouldn’t be doing exactly what you want or need to do, which is eat.

I know how painful it is to hear her voice, let alone have it reappear ALL THE TIME!

So how do we silence her, push her back and get rid of her? It requires 3 steps.

This is my 3 step guide that I provide my clients to silence their inner critic.

1.     ACKNOWLEDGE the critic- yes, that voice. I hear you and you come out at the worst times, but I am going to acknowledge that you are there. Acknowledging the voice helps validate that you hear her (the voice) and that you are not backing down. Next, ask yourself questions. When does this voice appear? Is it when you go to eat carbs, desserts or eat past 8pm? What does she say to you? Does she say if you eat it you will get “fat”, that “you’re bad” or “you’ve ruined all the progress you made”. Figuring out when she comes out and what she says are vital steps in SILENCING the voice .

2.     CHALLENGE the critic- let’s go to battle with her. Start saying, “no, I can eat this”. Yes, literally SPEAK to your inner critic and tell her who is in charge. Saying out loud “no”, “I have unconditional permission to eat any and all foods”, or “you are not in charge” helps it become more real. Vocalizing these statements repeatedly helps silence the voice inside! 

3.     Take ACTION- do what you WANT without thinking about what the inner critic would say to you. If you want the pasta you’ve been dreaming and craving for all week, then go enjoy it! This is the hardest step, I totally get that, but this is the step that leads to CHANGE and long-lasting silence.


So let’s put this into an example. In this example, you’re thinking about having a side of pasta with dinner…. And then the voice pops up in your head. 

First thing you do, acknowledge it! Hi, there inner critic. Then take note. One, it popped up when you were considering pasta, which means there must be a food rule or negative feeling associated with pasta or carbohydrates. Also, what is your inner critic saying to you? In this case, maybe she is saying you will get “fat” if you eat pasta. Could she be any meaner and WRONG?

Second step, challenge it. “Pasta is not going to make me “fat” and I have unconditional permission to choose the foods I enjoy.” Say this out loud and PROUD.

Third step, take action! Eat the pasta, enjoy it, move on and feel good!

I know it is easier said than done, but trust me, when you put the effort in to silence your inner critic and say goodbye to her for good, you will not regret one crazy moment when you talk to yourself out loud and fight this critic so that you can find peace with your body.

I am here for you, I support you and I want you to know that the little voice in your head that comes out at the worst moments CAN go away. You don’t have to be under her power for forever, you can make the change.


Mama, eating less is not the answer.


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